Official French Foreign Policy
France: Entrance, Formalities and Visa requirements. France and the European Union. Find out about your country's diplomatic relationship with France.
Studying, Travelling and Living in France
France at a Glance: Airports, Schengen Area, Traveling in France, French Custom Formalities, Climate, Opening a bank account in France and much more. Find out about Getting a Visa to France. Find out about public services in France. Studying in France - International Students public services in France. Studying in France - General Information . Canada - Visa and Studies
Canada Government: Foreign Affairs. Canada Government: Visas and Immigration. Canada Government: About Canada. Canada Government: Study in Canada. DELF & DALF EXAMINATIONS
The DELF and DALF are diplomas awarded by the French Ministry of Education to prove the French-language skills of non-French candidates. Find out the datails about DELF AND DALF? Find out the approved DELF and DALF examination centres worldwide. In order to prepare yourself to take DELF or DALF tests, we recommend our "Official Examinations - Specific Course". TCF EXAMINATION
TCF (Test de Connaissance du Français) is valid to prove proficiency in French when you are applying for Immigration to Quebec, Canada. Find exammination details at CIEP Official Website. In order to prepare yourself to take TCF test, we recommend our "Official Examinations - Specific Course". Campus France
What's Campus France? It is the French national agency for the promotion of higher education, international student services, and international mobility. Promoting French higher education and professional training abroad is a critical aspect of the agency’s mission. Find the details at Campus France. Alliance Française
Alliance Française: Diplomas and Tests. Alliance Française "BULATS": Business Language Testing Service.
Travel & Tourism - France
France Tourism Official Website: Rendez vous en France Paris: Musée du Louvre. Paris: Musée d'Orsay. Guide: Time Out Paris. Guide: Guide: Bretagne Française. | | francais_vip |
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